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Play midi from MidiFramer object. Helper function to synthesize midi, either:

  • directly in the console,

  • or generate audio files and include a small player in html documents.

This helper function is also called in the MidiFramer$play() method.

WARNING: Setting overwrite = TRUE (the default!!) will DELETE the specified audio files!!! (see more details below)


  soundfont = fluidsynth::soundfont_path(),
  output = gsub(".mid$", ".mp3", midifile),
  live = interactive(),
  verbose = interactive(),
  overwrite = TRUE,



Path to the midi file to synthesize on; character string.


path to sf2 sound font (character string); if not specified, the default soundfont of the fluidsynth package (fluidsynth::soundfont_path()) will be (downloaded if not present and) used.


Path to the audiofile to be synthesized. (character string).


logical; if TRUE the synthesized midi is directly played in the console. If FALSE an audio html tag is written. This will generate a small audio player when knitting an Rmd document (and probably also Quarto qmd files; I didn't check).


logical whether to print command line output; defaults to FALSE


logical; defaults to TRUE; if file exists and overwrite = FALSE, the existing files will not be overwritten and the function errors out.


Arguments passed to the fluidsynth functions (fluidsynth::midi_play or fluidsynth::midi_convert depending on the value of live).


If live = TRUE, nothing is returned. If live = FALSE, a html audio tag is returned that will render as a small audio player when knitting an Rmd document. The audio player can then play the generated output audio file.


midi_file_string <- system.file("extdata", "test_midi_file.mid", package = "pyramidi")
midi_file_string |> player()
#> <audio controls="">
#>   <source src="/tmp/RtmpcdQMVt/temp_libpath1e2a167c2fce/pyramidi/extdata/test_midi_file.mp3" type="audio/mp3"/>
#> </audio>

# The player is a small helper function to do basically this:
if (FALSE) {
midifile <- system.file("extdata", "test_midi_file.mid", package = "pyramidi")
mp3file <- "test.mp3"
fluidsynth::midi_convert(midifile, output = mp3file)
# `overwrite` = TRUE overwrites the mp3 file if previously existing.