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I started to write this vignette a while ago, before I knew object-oriented programming (OOP) in R. So this might be interesting for you if you don’t know OOP but want to learn more about all the internals of pyramidi. If you just want to see some use cases or if you know well R6, the other vignettes might be a better place to start.

Load libraries

First load some libraries:

Extract midi into dataframe

We’ll extract the information of a midi file into dataframe. We’ll use the package internal midi file:

midi_file_str <- system.file("extdata", "test_midi_file.mid", package = "pyramidi")

midifile <- mido$MidiFile(midi_file_str)
#> Error in python_config_impl(python) : 
#>   Error running '/home/runner/.virtualenvs/r-reticulate/python': No such file.
#> The Python installation used to create the virtualenv has been moved or removed:
#>   '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.8/x64/bin'
ticks_per_beat <- midifile$ticks_per_beat

Now we can load the information of the midifile into a dataframe:

dfc = miditapyr$frame_midi(midifile)
head(dfc, 20)
#>    i_track  meta                            msg
#> 1        0  TRUE    track_name, drum-t1-1-t1, 0
#> 2        0 FALSE          note_on, 0, 43, 72, 9
#> 3        0 FALSE          note_on, 0, 39, 64, 9
#> 4        0 FALSE         note_on, 0, 36, 101, 9
#> 5        0  TRUE           set_tempo, 666666, 0
#> 6        0  TRUE time_signature, 4, 4, 24, 8, 0
#> 7        0 FALSE       note_off, 240, 43, 72, 9
#> 8        0 FALSE         note_off, 0, 39, 64, 9
#> 9        0 FALSE        note_off, 0, 36, 101, 9
#> 10       0 FALSE       note_on, 240, 42, 101, 9
#> 11       0 FALSE         note_on, 0, 38, 101, 9
#> 12       0 FALSE        note_on, 240, 43, 64, 9
#> 13       0 FALSE        note_off, 0, 42, 101, 9
#> 14       0 FALSE        note_off, 0, 38, 101, 9
#> 15       0 FALSE       note_off, 240, 43, 64, 9
#> 16       0 FALSE         note_on, 0, 36, 101, 9
#> 17       0 FALSE      note_off, 240, 36, 101, 9
#> 18       0 FALSE        note_on, 240, 43, 60, 9
#> 19       0 FALSE         note_on, 0, 42, 101, 9
#> 20       0 FALSE       note_off, 240, 43, 60, 9

This dataframe contains the columns of the track index i_track, meta (whether the midi event is a note event), and msg containing named lists of further midi event information.

The MidiFile() function of mido also yields the ticks_per_beat of the file:

#> [1] 960

The miditapyr$unnest_midi() function transforms the msg column of the dataframe to a wide format, where every new column name corresponds to the names in the lists in msg (like tidyr::unnest_wider()):

df <- miditapyr$unnest_midi(dfc) %>% as_tibble()
head(df, 20)
#> # A tibble: 20 × 13
#>    i_track meta  type        name   time  note velocity channel  tempo numerator
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <chr>       <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1       0 TRUE  track_name  drum…     0   NaN      NaN     NaN    NaN       NaN
#>  2       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    43       72       9    NaN       NaN
#>  3       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    39       64       9    NaN       NaN
#>  4       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    36      101       9    NaN       NaN
#>  5       0 TRUE  set_tempo   NA        0   NaN      NaN     NaN 666666       NaN
#>  6       0 TRUE  time_signa… NA        0   NaN      NaN     NaN    NaN         4
#>  7       0 FALSE note_off    NA      240    43       72       9    NaN       NaN
#>  8       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    39       64       9    NaN       NaN
#>  9       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    36      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 10       0 FALSE note_on     NA      240    42      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 11       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    38      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 12       0 FALSE note_on     NA      240    43       64       9    NaN       NaN
#> 13       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    42      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 14       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    38      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 15       0 FALSE note_off    NA      240    43       64       9    NaN       NaN
#> 16       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    36      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 17       0 FALSE note_off    NA      240    36      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 18       0 FALSE note_on     NA      240    43       60       9    NaN       NaN
#> 19       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    42      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 20       0 FALSE note_off    NA      240    43       60       9    NaN       NaN
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: denominator <dbl>, clocks_per_click <dbl>,
#> #   notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <dbl>

Except the name column this seems to be the same as

dfc %>% unnest_wider(msg)
#> # A tibble: 268 × 13
#>    i_track meta  type        name   time  note velocity channel  tempo numerator
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <chr>       <chr> <int> <int>    <int>   <int>  <int>     <int>
#>  1       0 TRUE  track_name  drum…     0    NA       NA      NA     NA        NA
#>  2       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    43       72       9     NA        NA
#>  3       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    39       64       9     NA        NA
#>  4       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    36      101       9     NA        NA
#>  5       0 TRUE  set_tempo   NA        0    NA       NA      NA 666666        NA
#>  6       0 TRUE  time_signa… NA        0    NA       NA      NA     NA         4
#>  7       0 FALSE note_off    NA      240    43       72       9     NA        NA
#>  8       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    39       64       9     NA        NA
#>  9       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    36      101       9     NA        NA
#> 10       0 FALSE note_on     NA      240    42      101       9     NA        NA
#> # ℹ 258 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: denominator <int>, clocks_per_click <int>,
#> #   notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <int>

Translate midi time information

In the midi format, time is treated as relative increments between events (measured in ticks). In order to derive the total time passed, you can use the function tab_measures():

dfm <- tab_measures(df, ticks_per_beat, c("m", "b")) %>%
  # create a variable `track` with the track name (in order to have it in the plot below)
  mutate(track = ifelse(purrr::map_chr(name, typeof) != "character", 
                        name)) %>%
  unnest(cols = track) %>% 

#> # A tibble: 268 × 17
#>    i_track meta  type      name   note velocity channel ticks     m     b i_note
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <chr>     <chr> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1       0 TRUE  track_na… drum…   NaN      NaN     NaN     0  0        0      0
#>  2       0 FALSE note_on   NA       43       72       9     0  0        0      1
#>  3       0 FALSE note_on   NA       39       64       9     0  0        0      1
#>  4       0 FALSE note_on   NA       36      101       9     0  0        0      1
#>  5       0 TRUE  set_tempo NA      NaN      NaN     NaN     0  0        0      0
#>  6       0 TRUE  time_sig… NA      NaN      NaN     NaN     0  0        0      0
#>  7       0 FALSE note_off  NA       43       72       9   240  0.25     1      1
#>  8       0 FALSE note_off  NA       39       64       9   240  0.25     1      1
#>  9       0 FALSE note_off  NA       36      101       9   240  0.25     1      1
#> 10       0 FALSE note_on   NA       42      101       9   480  0.5      2      1
#> # ℹ 258 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: tempo <dbl>, numerator <dbl>, denominator <dbl>,
#> #   clocks_per_click <dbl>, notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <dbl>, track <chr>

This function adds further columns:

  • ticks: specifying the total ticks passed,
  • t: specifying the total time in seconds passed,
  • m: specifying the total measures (bars) passed,
  • b: specifying the total beats passed,
  • i_note: unique ascending index for every track and midi note in the midi file.

Further processing of the midi events

You can split the dataframe in two by whether the events are meta or not:

dfm %>% 
    miditapyr$split_df() %->% c(df_meta, df_notes)
df_meta %>% as_tibble()
#> # A tibble: 8 × 14
#>   i_track meta  type           name    ticks     m     b i_note  tempo numerator
#>     <dbl> <lgl> <chr>          <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1       0 TRUE  track_name     drum-t…     0   0     0        0    NaN       NaN
#> 2       0 TRUE  set_tempo      NA          0   0     0        0 666666       NaN
#> 3       0 TRUE  time_signature NA          0   0     0        0    NaN         4
#> 4       0 TRUE  end_of_track   NA      15361  16.0  64.0      0    NaN       NaN
#> 5       1 TRUE  track_name     Audio+…     0   0     0        0    NaN       NaN
#> 6       1 TRUE  end_of_track   NA      15361  16.0  64.0      0    NaN       NaN
#> 7       2 TRUE  track_name     Audio+…     0   0     0        0    NaN       NaN
#> 8       2 TRUE  end_of_track   NA      15361  16.0  64.0      0    NaN       NaN
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: denominator <dbl>, clocks_per_click <dbl>,
#> #   notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <dbl>, track <chr>
df_notes %>% as_tibble()
#> # A tibble: 260 × 11
#>    i_track meta  type      note velocity channel ticks     m     b i_note track 
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> 
#>  1       0 FALSE note_on     43       72       9     0  0        0      1 drum-…
#>  2       0 FALSE note_on     39       64       9     0  0        0      1 drum-…
#>  3       0 FALSE note_on     36      101       9     0  0        0      1 drum-…
#>  4       0 FALSE note_off    43       72       9   240  0.25     1      1 drum-…
#>  5       0 FALSE note_off    39       64       9   240  0.25     1      1 drum-…
#>  6       0 FALSE note_off    36      101       9   240  0.25     1      1 drum-…
#>  7       0 FALSE note_on     42      101       9   480  0.5      2      1 drum-…
#>  8       0 FALSE note_on     38      101       9   480  0.5      2      1 drum-…
#>  9       0 FALSE note_on     43       64       9   720  0.75     3      2 drum-…
#> 10       0 FALSE note_off    42      101       9   720  0.75     3      1 drum-…
#> # ℹ 250 more rows

Pivot note dataframe to wide

Each note in the midi file is characterized by a note_on and a note_off event. In order to generate a piano roll plot with ggplot2, we need to tidyr::pivot_wider() those events. This can be done with the function pivot_wide_notes():

df_not_notes <- 
  df_notes %>% 
  dplyr::filter(!stringr::str_detect(type, "^note_o[nf]f?$")) 

df_notes_wide <-
  df_notes %>% 
  dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(type, "^note_o[nf]f?$")) %>%
  # tab_measures(df_meta, df_notes, ticks_per_beat) %>%
  pivot_wide_notes() %>%
#> Joining with `by = join_by(note)`
#> # A tibble: 130 × 15
#>    i_track meta   note channel i_note track   velocity_note_on velocity_note_off
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>              <dbl>             <dbl>
#>  1       0 FALSE    43       9      1 drum-t…               72                72
#>  2       0 FALSE    39       9      1 drum-t…               64                64
#>  3       0 FALSE    36       9      1 drum-t…              101               101
#>  4       0 FALSE    42       9      1 drum-t…              101               101
#>  5       0 FALSE    38       9      1 drum-t…              101               101
#>  6       0 FALSE    43       9      2 drum-t…               64                64
#>  7       0 FALSE    36       9      2 drum-t…              101               101
#>  8       0 FALSE    43       9      3 drum-t…               60                60
#>  9       0 FALSE    42       9      2 drum-t…              101               101
#> 10       0 FALSE    43       9      4 drum-t…               60                60
#> # ℹ 120 more rows
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: ticks_note_on <dbl>, ticks_note_off <dbl>,
#> #   m_note_on <dbl>, m_note_off <dbl>, b_note_on <dbl>, b_note_off <dbl>,
#> #   note_name <fct>

In the new format, the data has half the number of rows. The columns m, b, t, ticks, time and velocity are each replaced by two columns with the suffix _note_on and _note_off.

Plot midi information in piano roll plot

Now we have the midi data in the right format for the piano roll plot:

df_notes_wide %>%
  ggplot() +
      x = m_note_on,
      y = note_name,
      xend = m_note_off,
      yend = note_name,
      color = velocity_note_on
  ) +
  # each midi track is printed into its own facet:
  facet_wrap( ~ track,
              ncol = 1,
              scales = "free_y") + 
  guides(color=guide_colorbar(title="Note velocity")) +
    title = "Piano roll of the note events in the midi file",
    subtitle = "Only notes played are shown."
  ) +
  xlab("Measures") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 16, 4),
                     minor_breaks = 0:16) +
  scale_colour_gradient() +

Manipulation of the midi data

The new format also allows to easily manipulate the midi data. For instance, let’s put the volume (called velocity in midi) of the first beat in every bar to the maximum (127), and to half of its original value otherwise:

df_notes_wide_mod <- df_notes_wide %>% 
    velocity_note_on = ifelse(
      # As it's a 4/4 beat, the first beat of each bar is a multiple of 4:
      b_note_on %% 4 == 0, 
      velocity_note_on / 2

Let’s compare the modified value to the original one:

df_notes_wide %>% 
  select(b_note_on, velocity_note_on) %>% 
    new = df_notes_wide_mod$velocity_note_on
#> # A tibble: 130 × 3
#>    b_note_on velocity_note_on   new
#>        <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1         0               72 127  
#>  2         0               64 127  
#>  3         0              101 127  
#>  4         2              101  50.5
#>  5         2              101  50.5
#>  6         3               64  32  
#>  7         4              101 127  
#>  8         6               60  30  
#>  9         6              101  50.5
#> 10         8               60 127  
#> # ℹ 120 more rows

With an ifelse() statement, we modified the volume of the midi notes, depending on if they’re the first beat in the measure or not.

Other possible manipulations could be for instance:

  • Quantization by round()ing the note_on/note_off times,
  • Chord generation, e.g. by applying a group_by(floor(m_note_on))-summarize() logic, or
  • Arpeggiating chords by a group_by(floor(m_note_on)) - mutate() logic.

Pivot note data frame back to long format

We can transform the wide midi data back to the long format:

df_notes_long <- pivot_long_notes(df_notes_wide)

Join non note events

We can now add the non note events:

df_midi_out <- merge_midi_frames(df_meta, df_notes_long, df_not_notes)

#> # A tibble: 268 × 14
#>    i_track channel  note type  velocity meta  name   tempo numerator denominator
#>      <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <dbl> <lgl> <chr>  <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
#>  1       0       9    43 note…       72 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#>  2       0       9    39 note…       64 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#>  3       0       9    36 note…      101 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#>  4       0      NA    NA trac…       NA TRUE  drum…    NaN       NaN         NaN
#>  5       0      NA    NA set_…       NA TRUE  NA    666666       NaN         NaN
#>  6       0      NA    NA time…       NA TRUE  NA       NaN         4           4
#>  7       0       9    43 note…       72 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#>  8       0       9    39 note…       64 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#>  9       0       9    36 note…      101 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#> 10       0       9    42 note…      101 FALSE NA        NA        NA          NA
#> # ℹ 258 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: clocks_per_click <dbl>,
#> #   notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <dbl>, track <chr>, time <dbl>

The time value in midi format is given by the number of ticks passed between events.

Write midi dataframe back to a midi file

Now we can transform the data back to a dataframe of the same format as the one we got with miditapyr$frame_midi():

dfc2 <-
  df_midi_out %>%
  # When reticulate converts R dataframes to pandas, there are complications
  # with character columns containing missing values.
  # repair_reticulate_conversion = TRUE, repairs that in the miditapyr python
  # code:
  miditapyr$nest_midi(repair_reticulate_conversion = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 268 × 3
#>    i_track meta  msg             
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <list>          
#>  1       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#>  2       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#>  3       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#>  4       0 TRUE  <named list [4]>
#>  5       0 TRUE  <named list [4]>
#>  6       0 TRUE  <named list [7]>
#>  7       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#>  8       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#>  9       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#> 10       0 FALSE <named list [5]>
#> # ℹ 258 more rows

And we can save it back to a midi file:

miditapyr$write_midi(dfc2, ticks_per_beat, "test.mid")