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By using install_miditapyr(), this should also install mido which is a dependency of miditapyr:

pyramidi::install_miditapyr(envname = "r-reticulate")
#> Using virtual environment 'r-reticulate' ...

Now we’ll load some R and the python mido & miditapyr libraries with the reticulate::import() function. The loading of import_builtins() into pb will allow to work with python objects from R:

mido <- import("mido")
#> Error in python_config_impl(python) : 
#>   Error running '/home/runner/.virtualenvs/r-reticulate/python': No such file.
#> The Python installation used to create the virtualenv has been moved or removed:
#>   '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.8/x64/bin'
mt <- import("miditapyr")
pb <- import_builtins()

Load file

Here we’ll load the midi file included in the package into a mido.MidiFile object:

midi_file_string <- system.file("extdata", "test_midi_file.mid", package = "pyramidi")
midi_file <- mido$MidiFile(midi_file_string)
Click here to show the printed mido MidiFile() object

MidiFile(type=1, ticks_per_beat=960, tracks=[
    MetaMessage('track_name', name='drum-t1-1-t1', time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    MetaMessage('set_tempo', tempo=666666, time=0),
    MetaMessage('time_signature', numerator=4, denominator=4, clocks_per_click=24, notated_32nd_notes_per_beat=8, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=81, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=81, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=46, velocity=81, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=45, velocity=67, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=60, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=46, velocity=81, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=45, velocity=67, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=60, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=59, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=59, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=45, velocity=63, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=45, velocity=63, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=59, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=59, time=240),
    Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0),
    MetaMessage('end_of_track', time=1)]),
    MetaMessage('track_name', name='Audio+MIDI', time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=50, velocity=82, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=50, velocity=82, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=45, velocity=85, time=3000),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=50, velocity=81, time=600),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=45, velocity=85, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=50, velocity=81, time=240),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=45, velocity=69, time=3120),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=50, velocity=69, time=480),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=45, velocity=69, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=50, velocity=69, time=360),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=45, velocity=82, time=2400),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=45, velocity=82, time=960),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=50, velocity=72, time=120),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=50, velocity=72, time=1080),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=79, time=360),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=79, time=480),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=55, velocity=50, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=55, velocity=50, time=480),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=53, velocity=73, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=53, velocity=73, time=480),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=52, velocity=69, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=52, velocity=69, time=480),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=48, velocity=85, time=0),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=48, velocity=85, time=480),
    MetaMessage('end_of_track', time=1)]),
    MetaMessage('track_name', name='Audio+MIDI 1', time=0),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=78, time=54),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=78, time=10),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=72, time=6),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=72, time=283),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=78, time=16),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=78, time=55),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=57, time=1049),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=53, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=58, time=1652),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=57, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=53, time=47),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=61, time=142),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=53, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=61, time=188),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=53, time=24),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=47, time=275),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=42, time=8),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=46, time=9),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=46, time=337),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=47, time=266),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=42, time=119),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=56, time=657),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=53, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=58, time=1651),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=56, time=24),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=53, time=24),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=49, time=173),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=42, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=49, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=49, time=266),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=49, time=24),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=42, time=24),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=37, time=212),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=34, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=51, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=51, time=314),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=37, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=34, time=79),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=58, time=1018),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=60, time=8),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=56, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=56, time=1746),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=60, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=58, time=71),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=50, time=447),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=57, velocity=40, time=8),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=65, velocity=52, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=50, time=431),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=65, velocity=52, time=9),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=57, velocity=40, time=70),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=63, time=917),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=59, velocity=69, time=8),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=67, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=63, time=252),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=67, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=59, velocity=69, time=23),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=59, velocity=58, time=268),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=67, velocity=58, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=58, time=587),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=67, velocity=58, time=9),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=59, velocity=58, time=63),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=59, velocity=52, time=87),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=67, velocity=60, time=8),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=65, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=65, time=251),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=67, velocity=60, time=32),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=59, velocity=52, time=48),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=59, velocity=57, time=337),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=60, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=67, velocity=57, time=8),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=60, time=173),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=59, velocity=57, time=31),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=67, velocity=57, time=9),
    Message('note_on', channel=15, note=62, velocity=82, time=266),
    Message('note_off', channel=15, note=62, velocity=82, time=5),
    MetaMessage('end_of_track', time=1)])

This object is a list object, containing besides some meta information multiple MidiTrack()s which are themselves also lists containing the midi event messages.

Transform to unnested dataframe

We can transform the midi data to a data.frame similar to the one returned by unnest_midi() from the miditapyr package. We’ll only use the data of the first track of the midi file:

# access first track:
track1 <- midi_file$tracks[[1]]
# transform MidiTrack() object to an R list of mido Message()s and MetaMessage()s:
track1list <- pb$list(track1)
Show details of list in R

MetaMessage('track_name', name='drum-t1-1-t1', time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

MetaMessage('set_tempo', tempo=666666, time=0)

MetaMessage('time_signature', numerator=4, denominator=4, clocks_per_click=24, notated_32nd_notes_per_beat=8, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=72, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=64, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=64, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=53, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=66, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=81, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=81, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=60, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=66, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=46, velocity=81, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=45, velocity=67, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=60, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=46, velocity=81, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=45, velocity=67, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=60, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=38, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=59, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=59, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=36, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=45, velocity=63, time=240)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=45, velocity=63, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=43, velocity=52, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=101, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=42, velocity=59, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=55, time=0)

Message('note_on', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=42, velocity=59, time=240)

Message('note_off', channel=9, note=39, velocity=57, time=0)

MetaMessage('end_of_track', time=1)

The list contains mido Message() & MetaMessage() objects (Message()s seem to have a special print method).

With the function pb$vars() we can extract all variables for every event into a list of named R lists:

track1Rlist <- track1list %>% 
Show details of first 10 elements of track events list in R

[1] "track_name"

[1] "drum-t1-1-t1"

[1] 0

[1] "note_on"

[1] 0

[1] 43

[1] 72

[1] 9

[1] "note_on"

[1] 0

[1] 39

[1] 64

[1] 9

[1] "note_on"

[1] 0

[1] 36

[1] 101

[1] 9

[1] "set_tempo"

[1] 666666

[1] 0

[1] "time_signature"

[1] 4

[1] 4

[1] 24

[1] 8

[1] 0

[1] "note_off"

[1] 240

[1] 43

[1] 72

[1] 9

[1] "note_off"

[1] 0

[1] 39

[1] 64

[1] 9

[1] "note_off"

[1] 0

[1] 36

[1] 101

[1] 9

[1] "note_on"

[1] 240

[1] 42

[1] 101

[1] 9

We can put this list of message lists in a dataframe and write the values of each key in their own column:

track1Rlist %>% 
  tibble(temp = .) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 160 × 11
#>    type          name   time  note velocity channel  tempo numerator denominator
#>    <chr>         <chr> <int> <int>    <int>   <int>  <int>     <int>       <int>
#>  1 track_name    drum…     0    NA       NA      NA     NA        NA          NA
#>  2 note_on       NA        0    43       72       9     NA        NA          NA
#>  3 note_on       NA        0    39       64       9     NA        NA          NA
#>  4 note_on       NA        0    36      101       9     NA        NA          NA
#>  5 set_tempo     NA        0    NA       NA      NA 666666        NA          NA
#>  6 time_signatu… NA        0    NA       NA      NA     NA         4           4
#>  7 note_off      NA      240    43       72       9     NA        NA          NA
#>  8 note_off      NA        0    39       64       9     NA        NA          NA
#>  9 note_off      NA        0    36      101       9     NA        NA          NA
#> 10 note_on       NA      240    42      101       9     NA        NA          NA
#> # ℹ 150 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: clocks_per_click <int>, notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <int>

Compare with pyramidi

For comparison, we plot the results of unnest_midi()

mfr <- MidiFramer$new(midi_file_string)
mt$unnest_midi(dfc = mfr$mf$midi_frame_raw) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 268 × 13
#>    i_track meta  type        name   time  note velocity channel  tempo numerator
#>      <dbl> <lgl> <chr>       <chr> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1       0 TRUE  track_name  drum…     0   NaN      NaN     NaN    NaN       NaN
#>  2       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    43       72       9    NaN       NaN
#>  3       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    39       64       9    NaN       NaN
#>  4       0 FALSE note_on     NA        0    36      101       9    NaN       NaN
#>  5       0 TRUE  set_tempo   NA        0   NaN      NaN     NaN 666666       NaN
#>  6       0 TRUE  time_signa… NA        0   NaN      NaN     NaN    NaN         4
#>  7       0 FALSE note_off    NA      240    43       72       9    NaN       NaN
#>  8       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    39       64       9    NaN       NaN
#>  9       0 FALSE note_off    NA        0    36      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> 10       0 FALSE note_on     NA      240    42      101       9    NaN       NaN
#> # ℹ 258 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: denominator <dbl>, clocks_per_click <dbl>,
#> #   notated_32nd_notes_per_beat <dbl>

There are some differences in the types and track1Rlist only contains the data of track 1, but you can see that apart from that, the output is the same.